Who lives at Winning Ways?


 Kelly Friedrich BSA, EAPD Coach, EC/NCCP Licensed Coach  O/O  Winning Ways Ranch


Kelly Friedrich is the facilitator at Winning Ways Ranch, where horses do the teaching. Coach Kelly and the horses help kindergarten cowgirls/cowboys, recreation-oriented families, stress reducing Millennials, life seekers, the grief stricken, those who are losing hope and those with cognitive impairment learn how to trust, how to be firm but gentle; how to be patient & compassionate; how to get the job done and not quit partway  through; how to win and how to lose, and most of all how to LOVE. 


Kelly has been involved in Agriculture all her life, being raised on a cattle and horse farm.  She received her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan in 1977.  Later, Kelly became a Western Riding Coach through the National Coaching Certification Program and the Canadian Equestrian Federation. More recently, (2013) she obtained her Equine Assisted Personal Development Coach status from Higher Trails which developed and became part of Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) Canada.

Kelly has gained much of her expertise by working with many different ages of students including Kindergarten cowgirls, who are just starting their love-affair with horses, to grandmothers, who may be coming back to their first love in life, the horse. She spent 6 years working with college students in SIAST’s Equine Studies program, as well as 30+ years as a 4-H Light Horse Leader. In 2014, Kelly received recognition of her “outstanding service to the Saskatchewan 4-H Program.” For over 20 years Kelly has been a host and mentor for young people from around the world who were interested in seeing ranch life in north-western Saskatchewan.  She continues to upgrade her theory and skills by regularly attending clinics and workshops.  In all of her work, human and horse safety are stressed at all times!  



Brownie - has moved into Meadow Lake

Howard Brown aka Brownie is a retired friend who lived in his own house on the Ranch. In the fall of 2023 due to failing health he moved to an apartment in Meadow Lake. He used to mow the lawn, shovel the snow in the winter and fix everything that is made out of wood. He always gave us advice when we wanted to build something and he has the right tools and equipment to do so. He knows the history of Canada, the Friedrich family and his own of course, and he loves to share his stories. He loves everything involved with chocolate and he takes pride in his name Brownie. Brownie intends to return to the Ranch whenever he can in the spring/summer of 2024.



There are many volunteers at Winning Ways.  Some come from down the road or another Canadian province, while others have traveled across the world to join us.  The national and  international helpers/volunteers add a new dimension to the learning that takes place at Winning Ways.  Horsemanship/Riding students learn about different cultures and see others who are from far away countries, while they are learning about horses and themselves.  We hope that the horsemanship/riding students will leave Winning Ways with a new perspective of themselves, others and the world.  While “it’s a whole new world”, it's a lot smaller than you think. 

There's a slide show of 2023 volunteers on the 2023 Update

2022 volunteers had many adventures & lots of fun