Equine Assisted Learning
Equine Assisted Learning …………
- is a horse based approach to human development.
- has helped many children and adults experience great personal development.
- where the horse teaches the humans patience, acceptance, tolerance, creativity, teamwork and a host of other characteristics and skills.
Activities with horses are experiential and designed to promote personal discovery and learning. Interactions with horses provide participants with insight into many aspects of their lives and can take them on a powerful journey of learning and self-discovery. Horses live in the moment and encourage us to be present. They are non-judgemental and provide us with reflection of our own behaviour and emotions - both positive and negative. Horses respond instinctively to non-verbal communication and body language, giving us honest and instant feedback on our behaviour and feelings.
Equine Assisted Learning incorporates a range of experiential learning, education and
personal development approaches, which bring humans and equines together. EAL sessions will be facilitated by an Equine Assisted Learning Coach in carefully planned interactions with
specially selected equines. These sessions can be carefully tailored to meet the needs of shy children, at-risk youth, those with
exceptionalities, anyone with self-confidence concerns, people suffering from despair & discouragement, those suffering loss—death, divorce or other severance issues, people who feel stressed
and overwhelmed.

Equine Assisted Learning sessions with horses may be variable, here are some examples:
- observation of a horse herd in a paddock--who's the leader and how does that horse lead?
- catching, leading, tying a horse & horsemanship safety
- grooming a horse, then using the horse to write on, expressing emotions
- clients will be given information about the horse they are to catch--can client remember the description and find the correct horse? then catch it?
- horses’ characters--friendly/aloof; curious/afraid; lazy/energetic; dominant/submissive--the horse's character has to be taken into consideration when we work with it--how about the human character?
- common link--the group has to come up with one commonality of the members of the herd/group.
-" let's saddle up"--'brain' has to explain what needs to be done--will the 'arms' get the message?
- who do you trust?--a trust-worthy horse for each team of two or three clients
- let’s build a shelter—how does it protect us? Can the “shelter” become a wall to keep others out? Can we get the pony to come into our shelter?
- Working at liberty or going for walks with a horse can provide great connection.
At Winning Ways we want to take a tearful “I can’t” out of the vocabulary, and replace it with a big smile and an “I can!”
Sessions may be organized for individuals, families or groups. Families in grief may benefit from a Memorial Walk, individuals in transition may need to experience a Leave It Behind session, groups/organizations may gain understanding into the dynamics of leadership with Influence Versus Control. Each session is tailored to those who will benefit from the insight they may receive. All those interested in EAL will have a complimentary Ranch Visit where they can walk and talk with the animals and the Coach. If a suitable match is found, a follow up session or sessions will then be arranged.

Contact Kelly to arrange your
complimentary Ranch Visit
Talk/text 306 240 9535