Summer Programs 2021
Family Discount: 5% for 2/family; 7.5% for 3/family; 10% for over 3/family
July 5-9
July 5-9 Stampeder Camp
riders are beginners or those with 2
years or less of lessons; Coach and horse handlers to conduct this camp.
One class/day (AM only; under 10 years old therefore require horse handlers) 5 weekdays = $200/rider; maximum 3 riders
2.5 hours/day (AM & PM) X 5 weekdays = $375 Minimum 3 riders Max 4
Adult Beginners 1.5 hours/day X 4 days = $225 Minimum 3 riders Max 4

July 12-16
July 12-16 Summer School -- programs designed to suit the needs of clients
Summer School classes: all members of
the family/group go together with one coach. Horse handlers and assistants as needed.
2-hours/day X 5 weekdays = $325/rider Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family)
3-hours/day X 5 weekdays = $425/rider Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family)
July 19-24
July 19-24 Roughrider Camp
10 years & over; over 2 years of
experience (must be able to trot in a controlled manner around obstacles) Coach and coach-in-training as well as assistants to conduct this camp. English & Western Riding &
5 hours with the horses/day X 6 days + theory & activities including Saturday Riding Out/Games = $750 Minimum 6 riders Max 8
Deadline to register: July 5
July 26-30
July 26-30 Leadership Camp
In Front of The Herd helps participants to learn leadership through the eyes of the horse. Youth do not require riding experience.
4 hours with horses/day X 5 weekdays + theory/discussion & activities = $500/participant Minimum 4 Max 6
Deadline to register: July12
July 30-Aug 2
July 30 - August 2 Learning to Ride Out learn the ins and outs of safe trail riding. Participants must be 10 and older, have some riding experience and will ride out on the trails the last two days.
1.5 hrs/day X 4 days = $225 Minimum 3 riders Max 5
Deadline to register: July 19
Aug 9-13
August 9-13 Summer School --
programs designed to suit the needs of
clients Summer School classes: all members of the family/group go together with one coach. Horse handlers & assistants if needed.
1-hour/day X 5 weekdays = $200/rider Minimum 2 riders Max 3 (5-8 year-olds)
1.5 hour/day X 5 weekdays = $275/rider Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family)
2-hours/day X 5 weekdays = $325/rider Minimum 3 riders Max 4 (5 if family)
August 15 onward
Speak to Kelly about arranging specific programs.
Call/Text 306 240 9535