Amazing Horse Country

Last spring, I saw an article in the Canadian Horse Journal, about a trainer in the Foothills of the Rockies that was doing relational horsemanship. Scott Phillips Amazing Horse Country LTD. had programs for riders at different stages and with or without your horse. All of this set in the foothills, near Rocky Mountain House. Since I was going on a bull buying trip to that area, I thought I’d take a look.
Over the course of the spring and summer I promoted the idea that a group of us could get together and ride in A Foothills Adventure. Marilyn has been to the foothills many times and I knew she was unlikely to go again on her own. Janet usually goes on a riding holiday in Arizona in the fall. Loretta has never had this sort of opportunity, but she sure likes riding Dilly and she doesn’t go back to work until this winter. Two of the gals that visited Winning Ways in 2023, sent messages they were going to return to Canada this fall (September 2024). Hey, do you want to join the Foothills Adventure? OH YES!! I proclaimed this Adventure was my 70th year project, I was going riding in the Foothills!

It took some organizing. I had to create a PayPal account (no small feat!) and the girls had to send me their deposit. That could have been easier. There was the gooseneck hitch for Loretta’s truck that didn’t arrive until after we returned. Loretta had to borrow one from the shop employee that had what we needed. There was the possibility of flight delay and an attacking cat that impeded Janet’s arrival. There were grocery lists and tack lists and personal lists to be created and gathered. AND we had to ride our horses so they would be ready to perform.
Four of us stayed in Chip’s Cabin, two ladies stayed in private rooms in the main house. Sometimes we all had lunch and supper together, one evening we went to Rocky Mountain House, did some shopping and had supper at a converted garage, the food was good despite the different surroundings—the ladies had deep fried pickles . Guaranteed, I DID NOT! Then there was the evening when the ladies were desperately searching for matches. I was oblivious to the reason, but later I discovered that Janet bought candles (without matches) to put on muffins to make a birthday confection in honour of my 70th! What a wonderful crew I travelled with. :>)

We had the opportunity to ride in the outdoor arena, the indoor arena, the Playground in the Field and in the forest. It was great to have so many different environments to test ourselves and our horses. We learned about keeping ourselves safe and communicating with our horses so they could understand. Here’s a selection of the photo’s taken by Scott and our group.
As is the case with many of my stories…
There’s MORE to the story!
When we returned to Winning Ways, the great volunteer who had taken care of the Ranch in our absence, heard all our wonderful stories of how much fun we had, how hospitable Scott and Leona were to all of us, and how much we had learned. She went on the AHC website, discovered there was a Progressive Horsemanship Clinic in November, and there was an opening. She contacted Scott and he told her that she could rent a horse from their Ranch to use. She registered and off she went to learn from several of the AHC horses under Scott’s guidance. She was delighted with her experience.
So now you get the view from the deck in fall as compared to mine in the spring. Still the same warm hospitality though.